
A passion for history

We often refer to how lucky we are to indulge our passion for history in our everyday work. It is a privilege to be able to interact with, and conserve for future generations, the rich historical infrastructure we are custodians of. I get as much enjoyment from working in Dublin Castle on the stairway that Red Hugh O Donnell used to escape from incarceration in 1592 as I do from discovering the penned musings of an indentured servant girl on a shutter in a traditional cottage in cork from 1850. All properties have their own histories and therefore have their stories to tell. It is important to always consider this when embarking on a project on a historic house, wall or other structure. The hole that you are about to fill could be a bullet hole from the rebellion, or the marks on the stone door case could be from the soldiers of Cromwell sharpening them before going on a raid (we have encountered both of these scenarios) The Tradespeople who constructed the many elements have also their stories to tell, often times the works have been carried out by family members going back centuries and this all leads to developing strategies for repair that are respectful of the importance of the building to the family, locality and nation Many of the products that we have used in the course of our works throughout the years can be difficult to source so we have gathered some together for sale on this site. We are also available to deliver training and advice when required, either on site with you or remotely if suitable. Get in touch at any stage and we will try to get you sorted.